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Silhouette OF A Scholar

Mastery Learner
- Academics

We EDUCATE our scholars to think critically,

Acquire knowledge, and master skills. 2 Timothy 2:15 or Luke 6:40

Spiritual Advocate
- Biblical

We EMPOWER our scholars to be rooted in their faith and unapologetic in their beliefs,

While winning souls for Christ. 2 Peter 3:15

Transformative Leader
- Leadership

Our scholars will be agents of change who inspire, build up, and AFFIRM others against the practices of a canceled-cultured world. Romans 12:2

Reflective Listener
- Community

We will EQUIP our scholars to focus on the true

message of the Gospel, while establishing a Christ-centered community. Proverbs 1:5

Cultural Communicator
- Performing Arts

Our scholars will ENGAGE in cross-

Cultural conversations with the intentions of impacting

Generations through God’s word and creative expression.

Silhouette Of A Scholar

Scholars who graduate from our academy will do so as a generational change agent.  Educated to think critically, equipped to focus on the true message of the Gospel, ready to engage in cross-cultural conversations, rooted in their faith and unapologetic of their Christian beliefs, our scholars will be a TRANSFORMATIVE Leader!

Mastery Learner – We EDUCATE our scholars to think critically, Acquire knowledge, and master skills. 2 Timothy 2:15 or Luke 6:40

Cultural Communicator – Our scholars will ENGAGE in cross- Cultural conversations with the intentions of impacting Generations through God’s word and creative expression. Matthew 28:19-20

Reflective Listener – We will EQUIP our scholars to focus on the true message of the Gospel, while establishing a Christ-centered community. Proverbs 1:5

Spiritual Advocate – We EMPOWER our scholars to be rooted in their faith and unapologetic in their beliefs, while winning souls for Christ. 2 Peter 3:15

Transformative Leader – Our scholars will be agents of change who inspire, build up, and AFFIRM others against the practices of a canceled-cultured world. Romans 12:2